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Egypt: Five Die During Alexandria Clashes. BY sky news

Egypt: Five Die During Alexandria Clashes

The army threatens to shoot those who use violence as its supporters and those backing Mohamed Morsi take to the streets.

Video: Five Die In Alexandria Clashes
At least five people have been killed in clashes between supporters and opponents of Egypt's ousted President Mohamed Morsi, according to the country's official news agency.
The deaths took place in Egypt's second biggest city of Alexandria, with reports also saying more than 70 were injured.
One of those killed is believed to be a 14-year-old boy, said Sky News' Tom Rayner, who is in Egypt.
"More information from the health ministry is suggesting these injuries were a mixture of shotgun pellets, bird shot, and of bladed weapons," added Rayner.
There were also a handful of injuries in Cairo - where tens of thousands gathered in Tahrir Square - but the majority of Friday's rallies passed off peacefully.
A deeply polarised Egypt was braced for violence ahead of the opposing demonstrations, called by the army and the Islamists who back Mr Morsi.
Army chief General Abdel Fattah al Sisi summoned Egyptians to the streets in an intended turning point in its confrontation with followers of Mr Morsi, the elected leader the military removed on July 3.
Anti-Mursi protesters in Tahrir Square
Pro-Army supporters massed in Cairo's Tahrir Square
Mr Sisi said he wanted Egyptians to give the military a "mandate" to take the necessary measures against "violence and terrorism".
The demonstrations come as Mr Morsi was formally detained over accusations he conspired with the Palestinian group Hamas in attacks that killed policeman during the country's 2011 revolution, as well as claims he helped organise prison breaks.
The claims were dismissed as "ridiculous" by his Muslim Brotherhood party, which has been camped out at street vigils calling for his reinstatement.
An army official said the military had given the party a Saturday deadline to end its resistance and join a military-set roadmap to fresh elections.
Supporters of Mr Morsi also took to the streets in numbers
But the Brotherhood says it wants nothing to do with the army's transition plan and called its own crowds out for counter-demonstrations in a "day to remove the coup".
Mr Morsi has been in military detention at an undisclosed location since he was overthrown.
UN leader Ban Ki-moon has called on the military to free Mr Morsi and other Islamic Brotherhood leaders, said deputy UN spokesman Eduardo del Buey.
Both the army and the Muslim Brotherhood dramatically escalated rhetoric in the lead-up to the rallies, following a month of clashes in which about 200 people, mainly supporters of Mr Morsi, have died.
The army threatened to "turn its guns" on those who used violence.
In a Facebook post, the army said it would not "turn its guns against its people, but it will turn them against black violence and terrorism which has no religion or nation".
The main anti-Morsi youth protest group, which has backed the army, said it would go to the streets to "cleanse Egypt".
Army chief General Abdel Fattah al Sisi
Mr Sisi delivered his call to action in full military uniform
The Muslim Brotherhood has accused the army of pushing the nation towards civil war and committing a crime worse than destroying Islam's holiest site.
The Brotherhood also claims the authorities have been stirring up the violence to justify their crackdown.
The head of the army, Mr Sisi, was appointed by Mr Morsi in a bid by the president to rein in Egypt's all-powerful military.
But Mr Sisi turned against him after a year in which the Egyptian economy floundered and support for Mr Morsi slumped.
Posters of the general have since appeared in shops and stalls across Cairo.
The US - which has close ties with Egypt's military - said it was "very concerned" by Mr Sisi's call for mass rallies.
After Mr Sisi's comments, the US announced it would suspend a delivery of F-16 warplanes.
The country remains deeply split over Mr Morsi's ousting.
The Brotherhood accuses the army of ejecting a democratically elected leader in a long-planned coup, while its opponents say the army responded to the will of the people.


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