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Showing posts from July, 2013

مناقشة الشرعية في مقال د. شوقي السيد وعلى طريقة المرافعة وليس التحليل الاكاديمي

عن أى «شرعية» يتحدثون الكاتب : شوقي السيد ■ فى كلمات وصيغ هستيرية تضمنتها خطب رئاسية - سابقة - وصرخ بها رجال الإرشاد والجماعة وتابعوهم، ملأوا بها الدنيا صراخا وضجيجاً تحدياً لإرادة الشعب كله، محتجين بشرعية الرئيس المخلوع «إشارة إلى أوراق الصندوق»، ومن قبل احتج بها الرئيس المخلوع بنفسه ولنفسه، والتحدى بالشرعية المفترى عليها، وبأنها تخوله أحقية حكم البلاد لأربع سنوات بالتمام والكمال يظل خلالها «الرئيس» محصناً غير قابل للعزل أو الخلع!! واستمرت هذه الكلمات والصيغ الضالة تزداد ضجيجاً.. «الشرعية.. الشرعية.. احترام الشرعية» حتى أضلت بعض الناس الطيبين فى الداخل، واستعان بها الخوارج لأغراض خبيثة فى نفس يعقوب!! ■ فأى شرعية يقصد هؤلاء.. «الشرعية.. الشرعية».. حقاً، إنها شريعة الغاب.. لأن الانتخابات الرئاسية.. وأوراق الصندوق قد جمعت جرائم التزوير والرشوة والترويع وجرائم الانتخاب بجميع أشكالها وصورها، ومازالت أمام قاضى التحقيق.. وأمام لجنة الانتخابات الرئاسية.. وفى أدراج الأجهزة الرقابية، والتى كشفت بعدها عن التخابر والصفقات على حساب الوطن والمواطنين، لأن.. الشرعية المدعى بها كذباً وزوراً وب...

Mass jailbreak from Libyan

Mass jailbreak from Libyan prison July 27, 2013 8:10 PM About 1,200 inmates have escaped from a jail in the restive Libyan city of Benghazi. A security official told the AP news agency that most of the escapees were facing serious charges. Another report said a riot had taken place inside the al-Kwafiya prison. The jailbreak comes a day after the assassination of a prominent political activist triggered protests in the city, although it is not clear whether the two are connected. Benghazi is one of the most unstable parts of post-revolution Libya. Last year the US ambassador and three other Americans were killed there. 'Reinforcements' Earlier protesters attacked offices linked to the Muslim Brotherhood following the assassination of the prominent political activist Abdelsalam al-Mismari. AFP news agency quoted a security official saying that some of the escapees were linked to the regime of Col Muammar Gaddafi. The former dictator was toppled in an uprising in August ...

'The Brotherhood Knows the End Is Comingm -Egyptian Politician

07/25/2013 07:22 PM Egyptian Politician 'The Brotherhood Knows the End Is Coming' Egypt has been shaken by daily clashes since the recent coup. In an interview, leftist Egyptian politician Mamduoh Habashi explains why the   military intervention   was good for the country and his belief that the   Muslim Brotherhood   is on its way out. SPIEGEL ONLINE:   Mr. Habashi, German   Foreign Minister   Guido Westerwelle called the toppling of Mohammed Morsi a "serious setback for democracy." How would you describe it? Mamduoh Habashi:   Mr. Westerwelle has a different understanding of democracy than I do. For me, democracy is the will of the people, and this blatantly manifested itself in a tremendous   mass movement , the largest Egypt has ever seen. For Westerwelle, on the other hand, democracy appears to be something purely formal. For him, this has solely to do with the 2012 vote, despite the fact that the   presidential el...

How I Made Hezbollah's Blacklist

07/25/2013 02:57 PM Pining for Beirut How I Made Hezbollah's Blacklist Over the last half-century, Beirut has gone from the being the "Switzerland of the  Middle East " to a country plagued by instability. In a personal account, SPIEGEL reporter Erich Follath explains his difficult relationship with Hezbollah and his love of Beirut. Eight years ago, or back in the days when  Hezbollah  still liked me, I wanted to interview one of the organization's leaders in Beirut and found myself caught up in its well-oiled bureaucratic cogs. First, Hezbollah's " Media Relation  Department" had me fill out a form. This included all the usual questions, such as how long I had been a journalist, where and what I had studied, then a request to "please provide exact details" on my nationality and religious affiliation, as well as that of my father and mother, followed by my date and place of birth. Then came the somewhat more unusual question of whether I h...

Egypt: Five Die During Alexandria Clashes. BY sky news

Egypt: Five Die During Alexandria Clashes The army threatens to shoot those who use violence as its supporters and those backing Mohamed Morsi take to the streets. 11:30pm UK, Friday 26 July 2013 Video:  Five Die In Alexandria Clashes Enlarge Email At least five people have been killed in clashes between supporters and opponents of Egypt's ousted President Mohamed Morsi, according to the country's official  news agency . The deaths took place in Egypt's second biggest  city of Alexandria , with reports also saying more than 70 were injured. One of those killed is believed to be a 14-year- old boy , said Sky News' Tom Rayner, who is in Egypt. "More information from the  health ministry  is suggesting these injuries were a mixture of shotgun pellets, bird shot, and of bladed weapons," added Rayner. There were also a handful of injuries in Cairo - where tens of thousands gathered in Tahrir Square - but the majority of ...