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adout of Secretary Hagel's Call With Egyptian Minister of Defense Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi

Pentagon Press Secretary George Little issued the following readout:
This morning, Egyptian Minister of Defense Al-Sisi called Secretary Hagel to provide an update on developments in Egypt.  Secretary Hagel and Minister Al-Sisi discussed progress in U.S. and EU mediation efforts.
Minister Al-Sisi underscored his desire for peaceful resolution of the ongoing protests, and reiterated commitment to an inclusive, transparent political roadmap as announced by  the interim civilian government.  He thanked Secretary Hagel for U.S. support and ongoing diplomatic efforts to prevent further violence, calm tensions, and facilitate an inclusive dialogue to pave the way forward for transition to a democratically elected civilian government.  Secretary Hagel underscored the importance of an inclusive, transparent political process that includes all Egyptians.


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