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Showing posts from 2013

Obama and faith

“He has not gone to church, hardly at all, as president,” said Gary Scott Smith, the author of “Faith and the Presidency: From George Washington to George W. Bush,” adding that it is “very unusual for a president not to attend” Christmas services. ..... Mr. Obama has gone to church 18 times during his six years in the White House, according to Mark Knoller of CBS News, an unofficial White House historian,

Japan arms boost to counter China

Japan arms boost to counter China Japan's new military strategy explained in 60 seconds Japan's cabinet has approved a new national security strategy and increased defence spending in a move widely seen as aimed at China. Over the next five years, Japan will buy hardware including drones, stealth aircraft and amphibious vehicles. The military will also build a new marine unit, an amphibious force capable of retaking islands. The move comes with Tokyo embroiled in a bitter row with Beijing over East China Sea islands that both claim. It reflects concern over China's growing assertiveness over its territorial claims and Beijing's mounting defence spending. "China's stance toward other countries and military moves, coupled with a lack of transparency regarding its military and national security policies, represent a concern to Japan and the wider international community and require close watch," the national security document said. 'Transparent...

UN launches record Syria aid appeal

UN launches record Syria aid appeal Updated 51 minutes ago UN humanitarian envoy Baroness Amos: "They say to me 'why has the world abandoned us?'" The United Nations has announced its biggest ever appeal, seeking $6.5bn (£4bn; 4.7bn euros) for humanitarian aid to Syria. The UN estimates nearly three-quarters of Syria's 22.4 million population will need humanitarian aid in 2014. The appeal coincides with a new study by the International Rescue Committee, which warns that starvation is now threatening the Syrian population. Bread prices have risen by 500% in some areas, according to the report. Four out of five Syrians said their greatest worry was that food would run out, the survey found. 'Terrifying situation' In total, the UN is asking for almost $13bn to fund its humanitarian operations next year. Some $2.3bn are destined for civilians inside Syria, while $4.2bn would go to Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries. The latest call exceeds th...
Obama urges no new Iran sanctions Obama urges no new Iran sanctions November 20, 2013 4:45 AM US President Barack Obama explains his vision for a deal with Iran US President Barack Obama has urged US senators to hold off from proposing more sanctions against Iran to allow time for world powers to complete a deal on Iran's nuclear programme. A White House spokesman warned that if a deal with Tehran was not agreed, Iran would continue enriching uranium. Envoys from the P5+1 group of nations will begin a new round of negotiations with Iran in Geneva on Wednesday. Iran's foreign minister said he believed issues could be resolved. In a message on the video-sharing site YouTube, Javid Zarif said: "We expect and demand respect for our dignity. For us Iranians, nuclear energy is not about joining a club or threatening others. Nuclear energy is about a leap, a jump toward deciding our own destiny rather than allowing othe...
Offshore tax havens: much bigger problem than people realize 1. Via PAUL the App,
Tax Heavens: How to loot a country (and get away with it) Via PAUL the App,
The Missing TRILLIONS: Where The RICH & MIGHTY Hide The CASH. Tax Havens EXPOSED Via PAUL the App,

مقارنة بين الأخذ بنظام المجلسين والأخذ بنظام المجلس الواحد

حجج ومبررات الأخذ بنظام المجلسين . تعرض الباحث في المطلب السابق لحجج ومبررات أنصار الأخذ بنظام المجلس الواحد، وفي المقابل فإنه يوجد اتجاه في الفقه مؤيد للأخذ بنظام المجلسين وقد صاغ العديد من الحجج والمبررات تأييدًا لرأيه، وهي تتمثل في رفع مستوى كفاءة المجالس النيابية، ومنع التسرع في التشريع، ومنع استبداد السلطة التشريعية، فنظام المجلسين يخفف من حدة النزاع بين البرلمان، والسلطة التنفيذية،  ولا غنى عنه للأخذ به في النظام الفيدرالي، وتمثيل الطبقات الممتازة في أحد المجلسين (الأرستقراطية)، تأثير نظام المجلسين على شكل الحكومات ومدة استمرارها، وانتشار نظام المجلسين في برلمانات العالم. وسوف يتعرض الباحث لبيان تلك الحجج على التفصيل فيما يلي: أولاً: رفع مستوى كفاءة المجالس النيابية: وذلك باختلاف المجلسين في التشكيل بحيث إنه قد يكون من ذوي الكفايات أو المصالح الكبيرة من يأبى الدخول في معركة الانتخابات أو من يدخل فيها ولكنه لا ينجح. فأمثال هؤلاء يمكن الاستفادة من كفايتهم وذلك بإدخالهم أحد المجلسين (المجلس الأعلى) عن طريق التعيين. ( [40] ) وفي ذلك إثراء للسلطة التشريعية ورفع مستوى كف...